- Eleiko Strength Coach L1
- UKCC (1st4sport) Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Weight Lifting
- L4 Strength & Conditioning
- PGCE Biology
- L3 personal training
- BSc Env. Science
"My passion is weightlifting. I am lucky to work with a variety of enthusiastic clients, and enjoy giving them as much support and advice as I can to help them achieve their goals"
L2 Weightlifting Coach >
Anti-Doping Policy & Advice
At Canterbury Strength WLC we have a strict anti-doping policy.
We are required to report cases of doping to the UK Anti-Doping agency, due to strict rules against complicity, association with a person who has broken anti-doping rules, and covering up known cases of rule breaking. As members of the British Weight Lifting Association, the National Governing Body of the sport, we are bound by the rules created by the 2015 World Anti-Doping Code. All athletes who are members of BWL also need to know their roles and responsibilities when it comes to anti-doping. These are laid out in the document you can access below, and for any questions or concerns please contact Charlotte on 07508882703 or at canterburystrength@hotmail.com (with the subject line: anti-doping).
This means that we will not accept members who are known to use performance enhancing drugs or other banned substances and methods, and have the right to terminate the membership, and use of the facility of anyone who is found to break Anti-Doping rules. Please be aware that if we know of any person who is committing and Anti-Doping Rule Violation they will be reported to UKAD as per the World Anti-Doping Code.
This policy also extends to the use of illegal drugs.
Members of Canterbury Strength Weight Lifting Club will be asked to sign a copy of the anti-doping policy, complete with a declaration that they are not and will not break the rules outlined in our policy.
How to report cases and suspicions of doping:
If you have any questions or concerns about how to avoid inadvertent doping or how to report doping you know about please contact Charlotte at canterburystrength@hotmail.com (with anti-doping as the subject line) or on 07508882703.
If you wish to go straight to UKAD have a look over the information in the document below.
Intelligence is vital to UKAD and the fight against doping in sport, in 2016 almost half of the cases of Anti-doping rule violations came to light through intelligence reporting.
Visit reportdoping.com to find out how to report doping
Call 08000 32 23 32 to make an anonymous call
or use +44 (0)7587 634711 to report via WhatsApp (provide as much detail as possible)
UKAD will treat your report with the highest confidentiality so that you can be confident that your details will remain protected.
Club Rules Summary
This is a summary of our club rules but you can download the full rules document below.
Encourage, help and celebrate with others in your class, help to make the environment positive and productive
Matintain strong club core values of safety, accountability and positivity, never show anger or frustration and be sure to step out if you ever need to cool off
Participants must agree to and sign all necessary paperwork before they are able to participate, and understand that any behaviour that goes against the rules and expectations can lead to dismissal
Respect the facility and equipment, you are responsible for your lifting area and must think about leaving the room nicer than when you came in
Understand the dangers posed by taking part, act responsibly and always be aware!
We have a very strict policy on Anti-doping as well as bullying and other negative behaviour (see policies)
To maintain safety at all times you must always listen to staff, behave sensibly, be aware of hazards, report any dangers or incidents and keep the facility tidy
No headphones or phones are permitted during class (with the exception of filming lifts)
Appropriate athletic clothing and footwear must be worn at all times